Monday, September 11, 2017


Who would've thunk it? I made it to 94. And counting. I always joked with my doctors that with my luck I'd live to 100. Sometimes, finding a new doc happens by way of sons and daughters taking over their father's practice. Other times, perhaps by lottery. I can't always remember. I took the meds they said would lengthen my life. I worried that they were just generating income. What are ya' gonna' do?  I've outlived everyone I knew.

I kept riding the whole time. Not a whole lot but a bit here and there. I'm fortunate that I no longer need an automobile. Could not afford one and the self-drivers make me nervous. Left turn crashes have greatly diminished and may even be non existent. I don't always pay attention.

The electric bikes came slowly and are no longer cost prohibitive. Like microwave ovens. First slowly introduced in the UK as law. I think. Required by law in the developed world. At least in my little one. Mine is relatively inexpensive with a range of 600 miles between recharges. It is light enough for me to handle.

I kept one of the internal combustion bikes. They were "Grandfathered" in for a bit in transition. I remember what the term means but don't wish to explain. The EFI bike got sold but I kept the carburetted UJM. They hold a lottery every year and on a closed off course us oldsters get to ride our dinosaures. I won this year! Yahoo! The oil for the old gal is difficult to find. The black market is your best bet. Expensive but I manage to budget it in by not eating for three days. Piece of cake. Har! The fuel is readily available and inexpensive. 'Splain that one to me?
This luxury was bestowed upon us through the good graces of the AMA. Suddenly, at least that is how it appeared to me, all those weary old slogans became null and void by the silent passings of 'leccy bikes at speed. The "Loud Pipes Save Lives" from the outlaw and the perceived outlaw communities and the "Loud Pipes Risk Rights" stance of the AMA no longer mattered. Cool with me! I can't stand to argue any more and can't barely even stand to talk to people and I've heard all the noise I care to hear.

For those that wish motor exhaust noise there are buds that comfortably fit in your ear. They are legal in some areas and illegal in others. Who cares? I heard a pup the other day use the overused and generationally selective term "Old School" talking about the buds. I guess helmets have devices for sound too. I don't really know how it works and what is available. I dig the silence of sailing. If need be my organic memory bank can boot up motor sounds AND all the damn music I've ever listened to. It is noisy in here!

You can even purchase 'leccy bikes that look like a Panhead, BSA Lightning, or a Vincent Black Shadow. Hell. I saw one last week that was a '69 Sandcast CB 750. These are esoteric and purchased by millionaires. I judge no one's ride. Some of them worked hard for their money and sacrificed.

Mine is quite cheap. Inexpensive
rather. I love her all the same.

Gotta' dash for now. Gonna' unplug the gal and take a blat.

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