Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Let The Day Take You

What I enjoy most about life is never knowing where the day may take you.

Deb and I had left a birthday party last Saturday. We had her grandson with us. He is almost twelve and an amazing young man, who, I do not doubt, will do amazing things. I enjoy his company immensely. He likes to read and write and is an accomplished drummer. He's been through some shit and I admire him.

So anyway,,,,,,there we were. Deb said, being our pilot, "let's drive out this way." We found ourselves pulling into the parking lot of The Historical Aviation Squadron near the airport here in Lancaster.

I get a bit absorbed by World War II stuff. I wandered
around their museum talking to an older gentleman with a lot of knowledge. B-17's and their crews have fascinated me for the longest time. Amazing machines and amazing men.

So anyway.....long story of the fella's there tells Deb's grandson he is taking a plane up today and asks if he wants to go. Of course he does. In a seventy six year old plane piloted by an eighty five year old pilot. No fear indeed. The plane was used during the big war to guard our coasts by the Civil Air Patrol.

Then, it's Deb's turn. She takes a flight. I hold her purse. Then, they fire up a helicopter and Deb and her grandson take a flight in that.

This was a fluke folks. Don't run out there looking for a free flight like their's saying I sent you. But check the place out. A place where our history is being preserved by those that lived it.

Where are we going today Deb? I'll hold your purse anytime!

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