Thursday, November 17, 2016

We've had the SR for a year now and are quite happy with her. She is Deb's bike but my wonderful wife lets me borrow her the odd time. I tried several mods and have decided to keep her pretty much stock until she is paid for. The turn signals have been removed. I purchased some smaller bullet style ones and will put them on eventually. I have a Lucas style taillight that will replace the wart looking stocker. It'll take modifications but it'll work. Time and patience. The footpegs need to go back a couple inches. I found some on ebay off an SR500 that may work. 75 bucks. I may take the plunge and spring for them. We'll see.

The Sporty and Honda watch all the comings and goings, staring at me forlornly. They needn't worry for they are well loved. Both have been put in hibernation for the winter. I've owned the Sport, as you well know, for nearly thirty years. Her front tire has been dipped in the Atlantic and the Pacific. She has seen the Rocky and Smoky Mountains. I grew allergic to speedos long ago. I'd estimate her milage at 100 thou. She has plenty of life left. These girls last forever in caring hands. She is being passed into caring hands. I am giving her to my son. I, of course, will worry for his safety but life is short. She'll treat him right and he'll return in like kind.

And if fate should intervene and he and I pass into the great beyond. I am reminded of the words of Jack Kerouac.

Safe in heaven dead.

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